Exhibitions and attendances

In Dec. 94: personal painting exhibition "Euro art expo" Verona.
I displayed about thirty works of art.

In Dec. 95: personal anthologic of paintings and photographs held at the "Salone Tosi" in Pozzolengo (BS). I exposed about 60 paintings and 60 photographs.

In Nov. 2002: participation with the "Galleria Alba" in a mini personal with 6 works at the "Arte Padova 2002" in Padova.

In august 2003: participation with a personal miniature of 8 works at the "Savioli" hotel of Riccione.

On Sept. 28, 2003 participation with two works at the 3rd National painting contest "Art and tradition of wine prize "Bardolino" of Verona.

In Sept. 2003: participation with two works at the exposition festival, in collective: "Expo Art Nice 2003" held at the "Radison Sas" hotel in Nice.

On Nov. 2nd 2003 extemporary display of 6 works in Montechiaro d'Asti, in occasion of the Regional fair of the White Truffle; organized by the local artistic group "Rebaudengo Arte". Upon their request I left about ten works in permanent display for a year, in their display room.

In Novembre 2003: participation in collective with a work, with the patronage of the "Galleria d'Alba", at "Art Padova 2003" Padova.

From 19 to 24 March 2004: participation in collective with two works at the "Salon d'Art Mediterranee"Galerie le Patio-Mandelie-Cannes (France).

On June 27, 2004: I participated in the "Fiera d'Estate" (Summer Festival), organized by the cultural group "Rebaudengo Arte " in Montechiaro d' Asti, in extemporary display with about twenty works based on the theme: From the origins of writing to our days.

From Sept. 4, 2004 to Sept. 12, 2004: personal anthologic art exhibition with the display of forty-two works in Caltanissetta, organized by the cultural Association "ARTE E SOCIETA'" (Art and Society) as a guest in their display room inaugurated upon that occasion.

On Novembre 11, 2004: I participated with four works in an extemporary exhibition, in occasion of the Regional Festival of the White Truffle in Montechiaro d'Asti. The event was organized by the local cultural group "Rebaudengo Arte".

From Nov. 1, 2004 to Nov. 15, 2004: I participated with a work, presented by the "Alba" Gallery of Ferrara, at the 15th edition of the Modern and Contemporary Art Festival "Arte Padova 2004" in Padova.

22-05-06: In una cornice, ritenuta dai piu' inusuale per un artista,si è tenuta sabato 22-05-06 una manisfestazione, che ha visto la presentazione delle linea Occhiali da sole dell' " Ottica Gafforini "per l'estate 2006 e nel contempo l'artista Franco Brighenti ha presentato alcune delle sue opere.
Coranati da una gioiosa e festosa allegria portata dai numerosi bambini del quartiere, non sono mancate persone di squisita sensibilità che oltre ad apprezzare l'artista ne hanno condiviso il percorso artistico.
L'artista sentitamente ringrazia in primo luogo i Sigg. Gafforini per l'ardire e la fiducia in me riposta e , tutti quelli che hanno partecipato.



Magazines and cataloguesi:
Inserted more times in the magazine "Art Culture", monthly regarding artistic and cultural events.
Articles appeared on the "Brescia" and "Brescia today" journals, on the "Nazione" journal of La Spezia, on the journal "Corriere" of Asti, on the "Nice Matin" journal of Nice. His biography was published on the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art, edited by the Publisher "Alba" during the years 2003-2004.
In 2005 he was inserted in the prestigious publication: "Italian Painters and sculptors of the Nine hundred", edited by the publisher "Quadrato".
Technical evaluation by the Quadrato: 5 stars.
Inserted in the 2005 edition of the art volume: "Historic Aspects of Contemporary Art" international edition edited by the Leadership Group of Rome. Inserted in the periodical of art, culture and science "Accademia" in occasion of the "Michelangelo Buonarotti" prize, Cultural Edition Italian Academy "Gli Etruschi" - Vada (LI).

Critics: they have said and written of him:

Doc. Milena Moneta (journalist); Lia Ciatto (art critic); Paolo Denti (writer and lyricist) Paolino Bettoni (poet); Gerard Argelier (sculptor and critic); Prof. Francesco Chetta (critic); prof. Mariarosaria Belgiovine (art critic and essayist); Giovanni Filocamo (painter); prof. Carla Marino (art critic and painter); Orazio Tanelli (director of the magazine" Il ponte italo americano"(The italo- american bridge);
Prof. Alfredo Pasolino (movie and art critic);
Prof. Salvo Santucci (President of the Cultural Group plurism);
the critic Prof. Fernando Silo and the artist Raffaella Colanicchio.

The critic Gerard Argelier in the workroom of the artist